This one's a Beauty!!! True beauty. Have you ever wondered of converting ur torrent files to an exe file!! Yes it's possible and this wonderful site does it.
Well why convert a torrent file to an exe file??
One reason is because i use a usb modem for browsing, and if i download using bit-torrent or any other torrent client i hardly get a speed of 5 kbps.After converting it to an exe file and started the download i got a pretty good speed of 50 kbps and more depending on the seeds.
Second reason, you’ll find it hard to believe but there are a great number of people who are still not familiar with the whole concept of using and downloading with torrents. This popular file-sharing method has been around for sometime but I still get a lot of questions such as: “What now? I downloaded the torrent but nothing is happening.” I assume it’s because of the fact that downloading files via torrent is not as straightforward as downloading files directly from the server or from the web.Using this service, users can download files with the torrent protocol without the need to install a torrent client.Well its very use to use. Go to the website torrent2exe, paste the link of the torrent or upload the torrent file already there on your computer and convert it to an exe file. Then download the exe file which is hardly 500kb. Double click on the exe file to start the download. You can also resume and pause the downlaod. No torrent clients required at all!! Isn't this cool!!Post in your comments and let me know about ur experience with this.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Torrent2exe- convert ur torrent to an exe file and download
Labels: cool, downloads, torrents, websites
show RSS- download ur favourite Tv Shows
I had written a post on feed my torrents which kept track of the latest tv show torents and you could retrieve with your RSS reader. Unfortunately feed my torents is no longer working. Well no worries i found yet another one which performs the same task as feed my torrents. Its called the show RSS.
showRSS is a web service that allows you to keep track of your favorite TV shows from a website or from a RSS reader. After registering (and logging in!), you'll have to select what are the TV shows that you want to track and then you'll just have to subscribe to your feed with any RSS reader (Google Reader, your browser...) or even with your torrent client (for example, µtorrent supports RSS feeds for automatic downloads). You can also browse latest torrents for your TV shows from this website, instead of using the RSS feed, or you can use both as well.
Labels: cool, interesting, torrents
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Futuristic Concept Laptop Designs
Well i had go this mail from one of my friends Ashu and thought of sharing it here coz i found it really cool..Here are some sexy laptop designs by various companies.
1)Vaio Zoom notebook features a holographic glass screen that goes transparent and a keyboard that turns opaque when turned off. Turn it on and the touchscreen holographic festivities begin.
2) DesCom is basically a two-in-one concept laptop which seamlessly integrates inside a desk.
3)LG Ecological laptop concept uses fuel cell batteries and features organic light-emitting diode (OLED) display technology, it received a Red Dot Award nomination for best concept design.

4)MacTab is the complement to MyBook in the high-end. The incredibly thin wireless keyboard is used as a protection cover for transportation. It stays in place with a combination of magnets and notches.

These were few which i liked.. Read More......
Labels: cool, interesting, laptops, Tech
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Download English,Hindi,kannada,malayalam,telugu,tamil songs
Wow Wow!!! These were my reactions when i visited this site.. All credits to my roomate Nithin who enthusiastically downloads all the latest kannada songs!!..He happened to discovered this site.All credits to him.Okie whats so special about this site.
Monday, May 18, 2009
WolframAlpha-A Computational Search engine

Labels: cool, interesting, search engines, tricks, websites
Create your Google Profile
when people search your name on google do they find you.. Well recently google showed google profile results at the bottom of U.S name search query pages.. So go ahead and create your profiles. Your profie can include all the links to your online photo albums, your blog addresses, your interests, where you are staying, what do you do etc........ and many more..
Labels: cool, google, interesting
Monday, May 11, 2009
PC World Magazine- May 2009
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Labels: downloads, ebooks, magazines
Sunday, May 10, 2009
4 Computer Magazines - April 2009
Labels: downloads, ebooks, magazines, Tech
Saturday, May 9, 2009
2nd PUC Results
Hey guys 2nd PUC results are available @ the site below. Direct server access
Results PUC 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Gmail Manager
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