Friday, July 31, 2009

Power of Yahoo Pipes


Was wondering from many days what is this Yahoo Pipes all about. Knew it is something special. When i used it i was completely shocked. Its such a powerfull tool!! How can i describe it???

Pipes is a free online service that lets you remix popular feed types and create data mashups using a visual editor. You can use Pipes to run your own web projects, or publish and share your own web services without ever having to write a line of code.

Where does pipe come into play??
Suppose you are only interested in cricket and football news, Generally when you visit a sports website you see news associated with every sport. With yahoo pipes you can customise your results according to your needs with data inputs from various sports websites. The pipe i created is below:

An another pipe which u guys can create is regarding movie theatres. There are many multiplexes/theatres in Bangalore like Inox,PVR,Fun Cinemas etc.. All of them will have their own websites. You can obtain data from all these websites and create a pipe which gives you info about which movie is in which theatre etc!

Well source of input need not to be from websites alone. It could be a data from feeds of a site, google search results ,yahoo search results and also data from online spread sheets etc.
Once u create your pipe you can publish it and add it google reader, google homepage, yahoo page or embedd in your webisite

Yahoo Pipes is so simple and powerful that any can use learn and develop their own application. This one blog post of mine is not enough to describe the Yahoo Pipes. The feel of you guys learnin and designing your own pipes is completely different. So go ahead and give a try.

To get you started with watch this intro video:

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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Install VLC 1.0.0 in Ubuntu


Earlier in ubuntu , on execution of the following command below you could have installed the latest version of vlc media player

#sudo apt-get install vlc

But doing the same now will not install the latest i.e 1.0.0 version.To install the latest vlc player in ubuntu follow the steps below:

=>At first edit the file : /etc/apt/sources.list file. To do it execute the command below
gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

For Jaunty Users:

deb jaunty main

For intrepid users:

deb intrepid main

Save and exit the file

=>Install GPG key using the following command

sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver 7613768D

=>Update sourcelist using the following command

sudo apt-get update

=>Install vlc using the following commnd

sudo apt-get install vlc mozilla-plugin-vlc

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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Facebook Launches Developer Contest in India


Facebook has been very popular in India. Allmost everyone is on Facebook now.Considering the popularity facebook has launched a contest in India. All you guys have to do is develop cool apps for facebook.

India ranks second in the number of software developers with 3.9 million software developers and Facebook seems to want to leave no stone unturned in gaining their attention. The Facebook Developer’s Challenge focuses on Facebook Apps (on of the most interesting aspects of Facebook with high user retention and thousands of fans) and Facebook. Connect, an important useful tool which serves as a good platform for publishers and for social media in general.

Three prize winners in each of the two contest categories will receive cash awards. For each category (Apps and Connect):

First Place Prize : Four Thousand Dollars U.S. ($4,000.00 USD)
Second Prize : Two Thousand Dollars U.S. ($2,000.00 USD).
Third Prize : One Thousand Dollars U.S. ($1,000.00).

Which takes the total cash prize for this amount close to INR 3.4 Lakhs!

The Contest began on July 2, 2009 and will end at 11:29:59 AM Indian Standard Time on September 11, 2009. The contest is open to all legal residents of India who are over the age of 16 at the time of entry. For more information,

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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Win Free Webdomain and Hosting


Please vist ChethStudios for more details. Check out its really cool.

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Friday, July 17, 2009

Enable Root Login in Ubuntu


Everytime i had to install any application in Ubuntu, i had to use sudo as a prefix. Recently i had installed a program which wass installed in the usr directory. Everytime i had to run the program, it was asking me for a super user priviledge. This was totally annoying me.By default when you install ubuntu, the root login is disabled by default. Follow the below steps and enable root login for ubuntu.

To enable root login:
1)Go to System->Administration->User and Groups
2)Click on Unlock and enter the password which you had given during installation
3)Select the root profile and click on properties, and set a password.
4)One last thing, after doing the above steps go to System->Administration->Login Window
5)Click on the security tab and click tick the checkbox which says "Enable System Administrator Login"

After doing the above steps, Logout and login as root.

PS: Be very careful when you are in the root profile coz you have access to everything. Any small mistake might crash your system.

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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

World E Book Fair


There is this World E-Book fair (From 4 JUL 2009 Till 4 AUG 2009) where 2.5 million e-books in PDF& MP3 format are available free to download.

Hope you guys get what you are trying to find.
Have Fun!!

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Monday, July 6, 2009

Microsoft Vision of the Future!!


Absolutely Hilarious!!!

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Google Squared


I was just visitng the site and found this experiment intersting. It is called google square. So what is google square?
Google Squared is an experimental tool by google that takes a category(like digital cameras,mobile phones,US presidents etc) and attempts to create a square of information, automatically fetching and orgainsing facts from across the web. You can modify the square by adding and deleting rows/coloumns which you do not like. You can also save it and come back later.Hope you liked this post.

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Google Translate


Have u ever struggled of not understanding a language. Want a translation from one language to the other as in English->German or Vice versa. Check out Google Translate. Its cool.. Hope this helps you in some point in time.

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